Men of the Parish are you looking for something more in your life? We do men’s Catholic Fellowship.
Knights of Columbus – Today’s Knights: What we do!
Since our founding in 1882 Charity has been the first principle of the Knights. We are men of faith and men of action. Our Precepts Charity, Patriotism, Fellowship are our guide. In 2015 the Knights of Columbus made charitable donations of $175 million dollars. We volunteered 73.5 million hours in 2015. We are answering Pope Francis’ call “to go to the peripheries.” We reach half way around the globe to help those in need and we reach to our neighbor next door. We do it every day. That makes us witnesses to the faith. We are 1.9 million Catholic men and we’d like to meet you and invite you to join us.
“Whether at home or abroad, charity is our Order’s first principle and the basis for all we do as brother Knights. It is the tangible way that we live out that spirit of fraternity and “missionary discipleship” to which Pope Francis has called us.” - Supreme Knight Carl Anderson
** Come to one of our meetings they are free and you will find a better version of yourself.